What Dreams May Come

Dreams, what are they, what do they mean, why do we care?

Friday, March 04, 2005

Spa Day

Today I had a great time hanging out with my friend KD at a spa in Calistoga. It was marvelous! I've never had a mudbath or a massage before and I think I'm hooked. The mud was a bit squishy and a little gross at first, but absolutely amazing once you relaxed into it. If you're ever in Calistoga California, check out Golden Haven Spa. Also, go by the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in St. Helena.

Anyway, this was a thoroughly relaxing day. I find my mind drifting in a warm sulfur haze which is strange given, this day felt like a piece of heaven on earth, but warmth and sulfur didn't previously occupy any portion of my heaven. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons...

The plan is to make this, at least, an annual thing, and try to get a few more people to come along next time. Pampering oneself never felt so good.


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